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Data Pro? SpringOne Platform has you Covered!

In a funny coincidence, SpringOne Platform, on September 24th, has lots of talks about stateless apps and stateless functions and it just happens to be located in Washington DC….a stateless district.

Those workloads are interesting, but I originally worked with the data products from Pivotal, so how we can manage and maintain state is a lot more interesting to me. Once “Platform” was added to the name of the conference, it began a metamorphosis into one that covered not only Spring development, but application/business transformation dev/ops, cloud, and data.

So, if you are someone who considers themselves a data or database person, the conference has a lot of interesting sessions to offer. I put on my green Greenplum Chucks and took a walk through the conference agenda to see what would interest me if I was a Data Professional and thought I could provide some highlights.


The conference officially begins on Tuesday, but if you are interested in an In-Memory data grid, super-fast transactions, or replication of key-value data across data centers, then you should look at attending the Apache Geode Summit on Monday the 24th from 1-6. Day 1.On Tuesday one session jumped out at me. Geode is Not a Cache, its an Analytics Engine by Sharif Ghazzawi from Resonate. Sharif obviously attended Great Titles 101, because this one JUMPED off the page at me. He will cover how the used Spring and Geode and probabilistic data structures to enable consumer analytics. This session has analytics, in-memory data grid, cost reduction, increased scalability, and world peace. Well, maybe not the last one, but you should definitely be in National Harbor 4-5 at 2:00pm on Tuesday

I am always interested in how customers actually use the technology from Pivotal and our partners. At 2:40 in National Harbor 10-11 on Tuesday, Lenny Jaramillo will present Migrating from Big Data Architecture to Spring Cloud. This one is all about Northern Trust and their pivot away from a pure Big Data architecture. It will be interesting to see the pre and post architecture and why they made the move.

Later that day, two sessions immediately grabbed my interest. They happen to be at the same time, so whichever one seems more applicable can be attended live, and then catch the video of the other session.

The first, Machines Can Learn - a Practical Take on Machine Intelligence Using Spring Cloud Data Flow and TensorFlow presented by Christian Tzolov. He is one of the smartest and most innovative people I know. This session will walk through an example of using TensorFlow to provide machine intelligence to cloud-native applications. I know where I will be at 5:40 on the Tuesday the 25th. Maryland Ballroom C

The second session, Containerizing a Data Warehouse for Kubernetes is near and dear to my heart. I have blogged about it, tested it, and I am eagerly awaiting the official release of Greenplum for Kubernetes. Jemish Patel will cover all the complexities that this implementation encountered and tell us why it’s so cool! This team is building a Kubernetes Operator to deploy and operate an MPP Analytics Data Warehouse. This one is in Maryland Ballroom D at 5:40.

Who would have thought putting something green inside an orchestration and automation engine would make it so powerful? Great sessions so far, and that’s Day 1. Now for Day 2.Is a technical conference really a technical conference without an Apache Kafka presentation? On Wednesday At 11:30, in Maryland ballroom D, Confluent and Pivotal will present Cloud-Native Streaming Platform: Running Apache Kafka on PKS. My good friend, Prasad Radhakrishnan will be presenting from Pivotal and his team has done tremendous work in helping bring this solution to market. So, attend this session and as a joke tell Prasad the session wasn’t technical enough for you (He loves that!)

Then at 3:20 on Wednesday in National Harbor 4-5, Pivotal and MongoDB will present Next Generation MongoDB: Sessions, Streams, Transactions. This one is all about using Spring Data and the new features in MongoDB 4.0. I don’t know very much about MongoDB, so this one is a can’t miss for me.

Tired yet? I will have taken off the green Chucks because if you have ever worn Chuck Taylors for more than a day at a conference you know to never wear Chuck Taylors more than a day at a conference. Day 3: Thursday.It’s a short day, but another two sessions made my list. At 10:30, in Maryland Ballroom C, Sabby, and Soby from the Spring Cloud Data Flow team will present the second Kafka session I will be attending. Cloud-Native Streaming with Spring and Kafka Streams. This one will cover orchestration of stateful streaming applications. Keep the notebook handy, because this one should have tons of good data points.

Then, to close out the conference for me, at 11:50 in National Harbor 4-5, Pivotal and Yugabyte are co-presenting YugaByte DB - A Planet-Scale Database for Low Latency Transactional Apps. Amey Banarse from Pivotal, another great friend, and my technical tutor has put together some really cool demos for this one. I would encourage you if you haven’t seen YugaByteDB…get to this session. You will not be sorry. Seriously. Check this one out. Now What.So, that does it for my session highlights for Data folks attending SpringOne Platform. If you haven't registered, go do it now. These are by no means the only data sessions available, and there is something at this conference for almost everyone. These were the ones that just bounced up off the page for me. Hopefully, you find this useful and give me a shout on Twitter while at the conference (@dbbaskette) and we can meet face to face.


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