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EMC World Day 2

I continue to be amazed at the level of Hadoop at this conference. EMC World is primarily a storage conference and the storage teams are typically not involved in Hadoop efforts, so the fact that we can fill HUGE rooms at every Hadoop session just proves the technology is working its way into mainstream discussions. The Q/A has been great....very few follow up "what is Hadoop?" questions and lots of "can I do this?" questions. I have one more session in which I am speaking.

I am working the Worldwide Hadoop booth again today. Like I said yesterday, this is an EMC community project that we are hoping to push out to the general Hadoop community in the form of an Apache project. There is a long way to go before we get there, but in a short period of time our Russian Center of Excellence built out a working prototype to help us demonstrate what we are thinking about. There are a variety of use case around why data can't be consolidated to one location, but an aggregate can. We would love to hear from any customers that would be interested in this technology. Just drop me a note at And you can visit for more info.





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