In a funny coincidence, SpringOne Platform, on September 24th, has lots of talks about stateless apps and stateless functions and it just happens to be located in Washington DC….a stateless district. Those workloads are interesting, but I originally worked with the data products from Pivotal, so how we can manage and maintain state is a lot more interesting to me. Once “Platform” was added to the name of the conference, it began a metamorphosis into one that covered not only Spring development, but application/business transformation dev/ops, cloud, and data. So, if you are someone who considers themselves a data or database person, the conference has a lot of interesting sessions to offer. I put on my green Greenplum Chucks and took a walk through the conference agenda to see what would interest me if I was a Data Professional and thought I could provide some highlights. The conference officially begins on Tuesday, but if you are interested in an In-Memory data grid, super-fast transa...
Blogs about the technologies I am working with.