This particular project came about from the many many benchmarks I have had to run for internal testing, as well as customer testing. I was constantly doing the same things over and over just to get the tests running and then collecting the results. HiBench from Intel went a long ways toward scripting the process, but it was really just a bunch of custom scripts that kicked off particular tests in a particular way. What I wanted to do was build an application that would allow me to run a set of preconfigured tests in a certain way, but also allow me to, over time, add tests to the mix through the use of some simple configuration files. BeastHD was born from those ideas and grew into something much bigger. So, what is it exactly? BeastHD is an application that allows you to create batch jobs of a set of benchmarks and kick them off all via a simple REST interface. If you want even simpler repetitive configurations, you can simply change the defaults in the benchmark con...
Blogs about the technologies I am working with.